People in the United States spend a lot of time, money, and energy looking for parking when they go out. INRIX put out a report in 2017 showing that American drivers waste about 17 hours each year looking for a decent parking spot. That same study showed that the typical driver can waste up to $345 every year (in time and energy) searching for a parking space. For New Yorkers, the price is even harder. There, the average person driving a car will waste upwards of $2,243 on fuel and time searching for the elusive parking spot. These are the reasons valet parking has become so popular around the country. There are things you can do to improve your success in this area. Aside from getting the right valet parking tickets templates, there are some other things you can do to help your business get ahead.
1. Start with the right podium. This is the first item you should have on your list of valet supplies you need that need to be acquired. Even more than the array of valet parking tickets templates you have to look at, the right podium sets the stage for your successful business. Not only do they tell the public where they need to go to drop off and pick up their vehicles but your podium, as the first real thing your customer sees, projects the professionalism of your business.
The projection of authority and a professional operation, give your customers the confidence in you and your staff to take care of their vehicles. The podium needs to do more than look good and project that professionalism, it needs to be sturdy and able to stay looking good after being exposed to weather.
2. Next, you need to get the right valet tickets. Before you start your search for the right valet parking tickets templates, it is important to realize that no valet parking business can survive without these. When you are looking at valet parking tickets templates, you need to make sure you get tickets that have 3 part valet tickets. These make it easy to label and keep track of all of the keys and cars that you have at your facility. You can also look at valet parking tickets templates that have four or five parts. That decision is really up to the way you want to run your business and what you think will be easier for your people to work with.
When you are looking at your parking ticket options, you also need to keep your logo in mind. Another important job the valet parking ticket does for you is help advance your branding operation. People leave with a ticket on their key ring. If they had a good experience, they will be more likely to tell their friends and family about it. If your parking business is connected with a posh restaurant, hotel, or resort, you may want to consider adding that businesses logo, rather than your own.
One last thing to consider, you need your valet parking tickets to be made from a material that is sturdy. They can create more problems than they solve if they rip.
3. Get the right valet parking sign. This will work with your podium to let people know where you are and what you do. While it may seem obvious to you where the valet parking is at a restaurant, hotel, or resort but unless you have a big, easy to see signage, new customers will not find it.
Use this space to list the prices for the valet parking, if that is not covered by the venue, so that your customers will not be upset when they are charged when they leave.
4. Get some umbrellas. These items are not as critical to the success of a valet parking company, they can enhance your customers’ experience. These can make it easier for customers to find you. Additionally, they help you give your customers a place to stay dry if it rains.
One thing you have to remember, no matter what business you are in. Good customer service is essential to success. Hire the right people, train them well and you should do well.