5 Tips for Dealing with Car Salesmen

Used hondas knoxville

Dealing with a car salesman when you are buying a new car can be pretty overwhelming. They are trained in knowing how to deal with each individual person and are excellent at their craft, usually. It’s important that you stick to your guns otherwise the car sales people will walk all over you and you’ll end up walking out of there with a bunch of things that you don’t need and/or can’t afford. You car buying experience should be a pleasant and enjoyable time. So, here are a couple tips for navigating those crafty sales people when getting a new vehicle.

Be Strong
You have stand up for yourself. Car sales people have to sell you more stuff; as much stuff as possible. It’s part of their job and you can’t blame them for it. If they don’t sell enough amenities and things, then they could actually lose their jobs because it’s in the job description. However, even so, don’t feel sorry for them. If you don’t buy extras, someone else will. Don’t be talked into something that you don’t need or can’t afford. Know your budget early and make sure that you talk price every step of the way during the whole process.

Pick Early
You should know what kind of car you want before you even go to the car dealership. If you pick your vehicle early then you’ll know how much you are willing to spend, the kinds of things you want, the amenities you need, the payments you can afford and everything else you need to know. That way, when you get to the lot, all you need to do is test drive your new Honda Pilot or whichever car you decide on and see how it feels. That brings us to the next point.

Test Drive
This is such an important step. Never buy a car without test driving it. It’s kind of like clothes. They look great on the hanger but they seem to take on another life when you actually put them on your body. A car is very much the same way usually. You might like the idea of it on paper and in pictures but once you get in it and handle it, you might realize that it is not how you want at all. If you get in the car to test drive and see that it’s not going to work for you, don’t try to pick another car that day. Go home, go back to step two and research, research, research.

Don’t Rush
Don’t be in a hurry to buy a car. This is the worst time to get one. Don’t wait until you absolutely need something to get a car. This will force you to make rash decisions and end up buying something that doesn’t work for you later on. Take your time in deciding and don’t feel obligated to drive off the lot with your new car on that very first visit. There are certain things that you need to take away with you and think about before signing on the dotted line.

Always Negotiate
Prices are always up for negotiation and bartering if you’re up for it. You might want to bring someone with you that is good and finagling and finding loop holes. If you tend to be a more non confrontational type of person then you definitely want someone there who isn’t afraid to fight for a good price. Cars are purposely marked up because they know that there will be some negotiating on price. The sales people will probably try to convince you to take ‘freebies’ instead of bringing down the price, but don’t fall for it. The price can always go lower than what the sticker says. The sticker price is a suggestion or a starting point more than anything.

There are many other ways that you can have a good car buying experience, whether or not you encounter car sales people, but these are the main tips that will help you out. If you can remember these five suggestions, then you’ll be able to stand your ground, buy something you afford and make sure that you leave the car lot happy, satisfied and not broke.

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