Are You Looking for Another Car for Your Family?

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Family cars a national tradition.
From the cars that take parents and their children on cross country road trips to visit famous amusement parks to the vehicles, both new and used, that are given to first time drivers, family cars are the ones that are driven by many people in the same family. And while it might be a privilege to get to take the nice car to Senior Prom, if you are allowed to drive the expensive family Buick it is important to make sure that you enjoy the ride!
Getting to Drive the Family Buick for Your Big Date Night Is an Important Step
Finding the right family car to purchase can be a complicated task. Whether you are looking for four door new cars or you are in the market for used cars for your teenager to find, it is important to make sure that you invest the needed time and resources. Finding the right vehicle, fortunately, is easier now that so many people make use of the internet to find cars and compare prices, makes, and models.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the new and used car market in America:

  • Three is the average number of owners a vehicle will have in its lifetime.
  • While 35% of American households have three or more cars, the average family owns two cars.
  • 88% of Americans in the year 2014 reported owning a car.
  • Family cars do more than provide transportation. They also serve as a great way to spend time with your children. In fact, 45% of parents said that they were most likely to have a conversation with their children about their day while driving in the car, according to a 2016 CarGurus survey.
  • 57% of parents involve their kids in car-buying decisions, according to a study from The Family Room.
  • A 2016 CarGurus survey found that parents are likely to select a vehicle based on its ability to meet the family?s needs, including the 45% that make their vehicle choice based on the need to transport kids? sports equipment. Another 33% make the decision based on storage space for an infant stroller, 31% for transporting pets, 295 for traveling to a vacation home, and 27% for going on a family camping trip.

Car dealerships offer an inventory that you can test drive and check out in person, but it is often difficult to compare prices and options between various models without the help of the internet.

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