Auto Financing Options Often Influence Potential Buyers

Used vehicle

It has been an interesting and challenging freshman year in college for your daughter. Traveling south nearly 15 hours away to a small private liberal arts college in Louisiana, she has learned a lot about living on her own, staying focused on her classes, working out and competing with a college athletic team, eating and resting enough to stay healthy, and, unfortunately, filing insurance reports after a car accident. Through no fault of her own, her newly leased car was totaled when a reckless driver ran a red light and turned into her. Although she was luckily uninjured, her car is no longer drivable. And now, as parents, you find yourself again looking over auto financing terms and searching for another car.
Wading through and understanding the specifics, the advantages, and the disadvantages of finding a car and the best auto financing options takes time and energy. You got a three year lease on a new car so that she could have reliable transportation to classes and workouts. You planned to decide at the end of the three year lease if you wanted to buy the car or make a different purchase. Now, fewer 10 months into the lease, you are looking again. Fortunately, the other driver’s insurance is covering the lease buy out and those financial obligations are eliminated. You are not, however, looking forward to the new car search again.
Because your daughter remained save in the accident that totaled her car you want to make sure that you find a vehicle that provides at least the same level of safety features of her previous car. Another major factor in the purchase, however, is the auto financing that is available. You have come to find out that while auto dealers may all carry a wide variety of makes and models on their lots, it is really the financing options that attract you.
Many People Dread Looking for New Cars
While a few people enjoy the experience, many others do not enjoy the car buying process. Although the internet and online price information services make the process easier in some ways, buying vehicles whether they are new trucks or used cars can be time consuming and frustrating. Many buyers find that their best strategy is one of the following:

  • Buying from a trusted dealership where you have an established relationship.
  • Knowing a car model that is a favorite and looking for the best deal on that particular vehicle.
  • Searching for the best auto financing available when it is time to make a purchase and choosing between the models that have that financing.

Making the decision to buy or lease is another major decision that many buyers face. If they are able to stay within the milage limitations, leasing is a great option for many people considering a new car. Buyers can plan how much they want to spend and look for cars that fall within that price range.
Car leases can require anywhere from no down payment to several thousand dollars, although the down payment is often negotiable. Once the down payment has been decided, the lease contract then explains the limitation for the number of miles can be put on in a car in a year without paying a penalty. These mileage limitations are typically set at numbers like 9,000, 12,000 and 15,000 miles a year.
The advantage of leasing is that the buyer is always driving a relatively new car. The goal being that the leased cars are traded back in before any major repairs are needed. Purchasing the models best known for their resale values can also help guarantee a good result at the end of a lease agreement. Buyers who can stay within these limits and can find deals with no or little down payments often come out quite well.
New car purchases, on the other hand, are a good option for many other buyers. Families who are willing to drive a car for many thousands of miles and do not need to drive new vehicles all of the time, often love to buy. Passing a fully paid for used car down to a young driver makes especially good sense. Nearly one million more vehicles were sold in 2014 in America than in 2013. Were you one of these buyers?

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