Could Your Daily Commute Be Causing Wrinkles? Why Some Drivers Want Tinted Window Solutions

We spend our lives sleeping, eating, and going to work. Recent reports on American productivity and time management revealed that the average American adult spends at least 90 minutes behind the wheel every day. Time spent commuting, going shopping, taking leisure and business trips, and transporting family members to work, school, and social activities does add up: we spend at least 45 hours a month and 540 hours a year simply getting ourselves from here to there.
During a lifetime of driving, the number of hours we spend behind the wheel is truly astounding. The typical driver starts around 17 or 18 years old and drives until they are almost 80, clocking an impressive 37,000 hours in their lifetime behind the wheel for a total of almost 800,000 miles, or the equivalent of driving across the entire United States and back more than 150 times.
In the course of our travels, we may be particularly vulnerable to the sun’s rays: windshields are coated with a thin film that works to block out the sun’s ultraviolet rays, but side windows are vulnerable without window tinting service. Studies consistently show that cars with window tinting that is designed to block UV rays can cut out more than 99%. Drivers who take long trips often comment that one side of their faces got sunburned, but they may not realize that window tinting could help them.
Drivers without tinted windows can get as much sun during a four hour drive as they would during an entire day at the beach. A window tint on windshields and side windows could also protect children from being sunburned during longer drives, and a car window tinting service should be able to help advise car and truck owners as to the shade they need on their windows. Too much exposure to the sun can cause damage to the skin that is equivalent to the sagging and wrinkles that are often caused by smoking. Finding window tint solutions could help with existing health conditions.
Of course, the darkness of the tint allowed by law does vary from state to state: car window tinting service providers can work with vehicle owners to discuss their state’s requirements. Some states do not classify trucks in the same category as cars, and there are websites that provide the complete range of “visible light tinting” regulations. Car window tinting service can be a necessary step toward complete protection from the sun. For drivers with long commutes, young children, or an existing skin condition caused by overexposure to UV rays, getting windows tinted could be an important and practical health decision.