Ensure That You Drive Safe All the Time — Car Breathalyzers and How They Can Help You

For a large number of people, driving is the preferred mode of commuting. Having your own car is convenient, and it leaves you with a large degree of control over your commutes — something you cannot always have while relying on public transit options. While driving is a pleasure and a thrill for many, there are certain responsibilities that also arise when you are driving a car. For example, people are not supposed to drive when they have had a few drinks and their reaction times have been slowed down as a result. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a legal offense, and one of the best ways to avoid any unfortunate incidents is to install a car breathalyzer ignition interlock.
DUI is a serious problem in America, with almost 30 people facing their death every day in the aftermath of drunk driving incidents, and annual damages resulting from drunk driving crashes totalling to almost $60 million. Driving responsibly is a duty that everyone should abide by, and if you have had a few drinks and need to get home, you should always ask someone else to drive or take a cab. However, accidents happen and people do not always realize that they would be incapable to carry out a drive optimally, resulting in complications.
This is exactly where a car breathalyzer ignition interlock device comes in handy. In short, it is the one device that you can install in your car to absolutely make sure that you only get to drive your car when your blood alcohol levels are below the required percentage for driving legally. Having a discreet breathalyzer installed in your car can help bring down arrest rates due to impaired driving by up to 70%.
How a Car Breathalyzer Works
There are many reputed ignition interlock companies that make effective, efficient car breathalyzer systems that you can make use of. These devices work with a simple principle — you can only get to turn on the ignition of your car when your blood alcohol level is lower than a preset upper limit, which is usually lower than the threshold of legal DUI offenses. It is a simple device that can be installed without hassle in any car, and it contains a mouthpiece where the person driving the car needs to blow into before starting the ignition. The device analyzes the breath for alcohol levels, and depending on whether it is in a permissible place, allows the driver to either start the engine or prevents the ignition from firing.
A car breathalyzer, therefore, is a simple, effective device that basically makes the decision for those who cannot make it themselves regarding whether they are fit to drive. This way, any possibility of being involved in an accident or being picked up for a DUI charge gets dramatically reduced. If you are a responsible driver, that is all the more reason to have one installed in your car to make sure that nothing goes wrong, even by chance.
If you are looking for a concrete, fail-safe measure that can help stop you from driving when impaired, a car breathalyzer ignition interlock can be your best choice. Check out car breathalyzer prices and do some research so that you can find the best system for your money, and you will always have the best results possible.