Everyone knows that it is illegal to drink and drive. Drinking alcohol slows the bodies? reaction time and makes driving very dangerous. A person who is caught driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol will be arrested and fined. They may also face probation, community service, and alcohol classes. The problem with the law is not that it is too harsh for drunk drivers, but that there are different legal limits, depending on the state. A minor amount of alcohol in the system is acceptable, but how can a person accurately gauge that amount?
Many things factor into the blood alcohol content number. A person?s size, body fat percentage, what they ate that day, and the speed at which they drank all factor into the blood alcohol content number. The exact calculation can be difficult to determine, making it hard for those who had a couple drinks to decide if they are really okay to drive. Those who have had multiple drinks, obviously should refrain from driving. But, how do you decide when you are at that small limit?
In most states, the legal blood alcohol content limits lie somewhere around 0.08. However, in many states, you can still be arrested and convicted with a BAC below 0.08. Other things might factor into the arrest also, such as the accuracy of the reading. A police officer?s reading is likely to differ from the moment they pull the individual over from the moment they are brought into the police station. All of these factors make it near impossible to distinguish the true blood alcohol content of a person, and whether or not it is legal for them to be driving.
The test that police officers use to test the blood alcohol content of an individual is a breathalyzer. The person in question blows into the device, which then provides the police officer with a number. If the number is above the limit, they arrest them and take them into the station. If the number is below the limit, in most cases, the individual is allowed to leave. Individuals can now have car breathalyzer devices installed into their own vehicles.
The car breathalyzer or ignition interlock system takes a lot of the uncertainty out of driving while intoxicated. The interlock device actually locks the vehicle during a night of drinking, requiring the person to blow into it, before even starting the vehicle. If the person is above the limit, the vehicle will not start. If they are below the limit, the car will start normally. Most interlock systems actually prevent the individual from driving with any amount of alcohol in the system. Ignition interlocks prohibit the engine from starting if an alcohol sensing device registers above a pre set level, typically around 0.02 BAC.
Car breathalyzer prices depend on the specific model purchased. Those who are required to have them as a result of a legal sentencing may be required to have more advanced, more expensive models. The car breathalyzer prices may also be affected by the type of car and how easy or difficult it is to install the breathalyzer into the vehicle. Either way, the car breathalyzer cost is minimal when compared to the costs that are incurred with a driving under the influence charge. Car breathalyzer prices can save a person thousands in legal fees and probation charges.
Car breathalyzers are also so advanced that they will continue to test the drive, in the event that their blood alcohol content increases during the drive. Most ignition interlock devices will prompt you to perform a rolling retest 5 to 15 minutes after the vehicle is started and randomly throughout the trip.
Calculating a person?s exact blood alcohol content level can be very difficult. With so many factors weighing into the calculation, people can be confused as to if they are really acceptable to drive a vehicle or not. Car breathalyzer prices can be found in any budget. Car breathalyzer devices allow the person to test their content limit, in an attempt to turn on their vehicle. If they are over the pre set limit, they will not be allowed to drive, saving them from a dangerous drive and the high costs of legal fees.