How To Keep Your Car As Clean As Possible In The United States

Taking care of your car is important, as cars provide many essential functions here in the United States. In places where public transportation systems are not extensive or absent entirely, cars might just provide the only form of reliable transportation that you have. And while living in a city (where public transportation systems – and extensive and well thought out public transportation system, as that – are most prevalent) has its perks, many people prefer to live outside of them, where life is just a little bit a quieter, a little bit more simple. In such areas, however, owning your own car (or at least leasing it), is likely to be an everyday essential of life. Taking good care of all aspects of this car, from the car carpet to the sound deadeners, will keep your car in as good of a condition as possible for as long a period of time as possible too.
Keeping the inside of your car clean, from the seats to the car carpet, is crucial. As many people spend, on average, as many as eighty seven minutes a day in their cars, which is nearly an hour and a half, having an unclean car can actually be detrimental to your overall health. It has even been estimated that the interior of your car can be up to ten times as polluted as breezes that pass over the freeway. Awareness of this interior pollution, especially inside cars and other such motor vehicles, has been rising and now as many as ninety five percent of all regular car drivers have noted their concern about it, in varying degrees.
Fortunately, there are ways in which you can help to mitigate this pollution, if only by a little bit. For one, be conscious of how you drive when you are out and on the road. Directly following diesel trucks and diesel cars is likely to raise the pollution in your car by a considerable degree, but you can lower the levels of pollution that you experience simply by effectively avoiding them. Using the carpool lane whenever possible can also help, as the air there is up to fifty percent cleaner – and typically no less than thirty percent cleaner. This is due to the fact that no trucks or buses are allowed to use it.
On top of car pollution, the dirt in your car should also be considered. You might not think of your car, from trunk mats to your nylon car carpet (or your car carpet made of any other material, to be dirty, but in most cases, it is – often shockingly so. Data even backs this up, as studies have found that the average car driven on a regular basis here in the United States has as much as seventeen thousand times the bacteria of an average home (though this will, of course, vary from case to case). The trunk alone can contain, on average, eight hundred and fifty different bacteria. As this is the place where the bulk of your groceries are most typically stored, including your fresh produce, this is clearly a problematic thing.
As is the case for car pollution, there are also ways to keep the interior of your car a healthier and cleaner environment. For one, you can put auto mats over your car carpet. Whereas car carpet can be difficult to clean, many varieties of auto mats can simply be taken out of the car and sprayed down. This is also ideal in the case of trunk mats. For all parts of your car, the rubber floor mat can make cleaning much easier – and keep your car carpet in better shape for longer. However, your car carpet is still likely to accumulate some amount of bacteria. If you have had your car for at least ten years if not longer and have not yet fully replaced your car carpet, it might be time to do so. New car carpet plus the regular use of rubber floor mats can make a huge difference in the overall cleanliness of your car – especially if you have children or animals who frequently ride in it.