What to Know About Your Windshield Calibration

Your windshield calibration cannot be ignored. Even the slightest variance in the required specifications might make your car mistake its position on the road, and this can lead to disastrous crashes. Here is what you need to know about your windshield calibration and how it keeps you safe.

Windshiled calibrations become more and more complex as cars are given more responsibility on the road. The camera and windshield can become misaligned during glass installation or during an auto repair, so make sure to prioritize completing those steps carefully.

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If not, it can cause a huge liability risk for the companies and life-threatening danger for the drivers.

A millimeter or less change can create this misalignment. Even if the camera or windshield is not worked on during a repair, they can still be affected when undergoing repairs. It is important to understand the severity of not having proper alignment with your car on the road.

Go to a mechanic or glass replacement shop that you trust for your windshield calibration service. They will make sure that you leave with a safer car to drive. This is the difference between stopping at a red light and being involved in a car-totaling collision.


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