What You Should Really Know About Charter Buses

Charter rental

When most people want to take a trip somewhere far, they often use either commercial airlines or a train. Sometimes, depending on the distance or their purpose for travel, they even drive their own personal vehicles. Charter buses, however, are a growing industry with numerous benefits, especially when compared to these forms of travel. These are some facts you might not have known about coach buses.

  • Coach bus transportation is a viable, green alternative to most forms of travel. When compared to personal cars, airplanes, or trains, coach buses emit the least amount of carbon dioxide per passenger mile. Not only that, but for every full coach bus there is the potential of removing up to 55 automobiles from highways. This reduces traffic and congestion and can severely cut down on energy usage and harmful emissions.
  • Charter buses are an excellent boost to the local economy… Just a single night at a destination by a single motorcoach can generate over $10,000 for the local economy. All that money gets funneled into the local tourism areas, such as overnight lodging, meals, gift shops, and more.
  • …And the federal economy too. For every $1 spent on a new coach will generate an addition $1.65 for other sectors of the economy, which equates to over $1.2 billion each year. Annually, demand by bus tourists and travelers generates over $55 billion in economic transactions.
  • It creates an immense amount of jobs. Due to the boosts to both the local and federal economies, motorcoaches create nearly 800,000 opportunities for employment. These can range from simple dining jobs from the tourism market to more technical jobs, such as sales of motorcoaches and purchases of the equipment necessary for the industry.
  • It is used by countless people, and for many it’s their only form of travel. Charter buses account for more than 750 million passenger trips each year. This is more than many commercial airlines move in some years. Not only that, but there are 14 million United States citizens that reside in rural areas. For them, motor coaches are the only available form of intercity transportation.
  • There are many reasons to consider chartering a bus over riding in a commercial airline, taking a train, or driving your own personal vehicle. They’re sustainable and green and they boost the economy tremendously.

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