When You Own a Hybrid, Good Fuel Efficiency Can Always Get Better

In 2012, about 4.5 million hybrids were sold around the world. Undoubtedly, hybrids are better for the environment because they produce less emissions, and save on fuel use, but many hybrid owners choose to push their fuel efficiency even further. When it comes to Honda Insight mileage, there are even communities online dedicated to offering up fuel efficiency boosting tips. If you’re not sure that you want to go that far, then here are three easy steps to get you started on getting the most from your Honda Insight hybrid.
Step One: Know what you’re starting with.
Honda Insight mileage ranges, on average, from about 42 to 44 MPG. However, car owners on Fuelly.com report MPG as high as 54 MPG, and a few report getting as low as 31 MPG. This is obviously a very wide range. It serves to illustrate that the average is just an average, and if you prove not to be an average driver, then you will not experience average results.
Step Two: Consider hybrid battery replacement.
Now that we have established what is average, and what can be aspired to, you can consider your options for improving the Honda Insight mileage. Did you know that you can increase the hybrid fuel economy by upgrading the battery? Although a battery can cost between $3,000 and $4,000 dollars in the U.S., if you choose a good third-party manufacturer, then you can get a battery that outperforms the original factory model. These newer batteries pack in more fuel cells, and take advantage of the latest technologies to deliver more power to the vehicle.
Step Three: Drive your car in a way that supports fuel economy.
Hybrid car batteries are not like other batteries. You may have heard that with laptops and cell phones, you’re supposed to use the device until you use up all the power, and then charge it up. This doesn’t work in newer batteries, and it’s not ideal for your car battery either. Fortunately, Honda doesn’t leave it up to you to regulate when the battery starts charging, but you can control how quickly that battery gets to the point that it needs charging. Naturally, you want to slow this process down. You can take it easy on your battery by maintaining good tire pressure, and conserving momentum. Of course, some driving situations will be out of your control. For example, if your commute includes a 15 mile trek up hill, there is almost nothing you can do to conserve fuel and battery use.
Enhancing the fuel efficiency of your Honda Insight could be as simple as replacing the battery, and driving more moderately. If you want to get more mileage out of your hybrid, then start with these tips. When you own a hybrid, the only thing better than good fuel efficiency, is better fuel efficiency.