Would You Rent a Charter Bus for Your Wedding?

Notre dame south bend

So you’re almost settled on picking out locations for your wedding ceremony and your wedding reception. There’s just one problem: the places you like best are on opposite sides of town. And the hotels where you’ve reserved a block of rooms for your out-of-town guests are somewhere in the middle. How can you make sure all your guests arrive in the right place at the right time without wasting a lot of time or energy?

We all know how bad Uncle Joe can be with directions. Why not eliminate the driving completely by seeking out some charter buses for rent? Hired drivers in a large bus will make sure everyone gets there on time and without incident. Looking for more reasons? Here’s a few of the big ones:

  1. Safety
    Weddings are always a fun time, but with freely flowing champagne and wine, you’ll want to ensure that all of your guests are able to get home safely. If your reception is at one location and you’ve reserved a block of rooms at a hotel at a different location that’s not within walking distance, hiring a charter bus that can act as transit to and from each location throughout the night might solve many guests’ driving dilemmas and get the dance floor really going.
  2. Efficiency
    A lot of guests at your wedding means a lot of cars. Besides any potential issues with parking space, a chartered bus is more fuel-efficient than a bunch of individual cars, getting 206 passenger miles per gallon as opposed to the 27 single-occupant vehicle MPG. So you can save headaches and the environment at the same time!
  3. Fun
    Yes, your wedding will be fun no matter what, but there’s a particular youthful joy and comfort on board a bus at the end of the night. Piling up all of your family and friends on a chartered bus once all of the official celebrations are said and done is a like a grand epilogue to your great party. Half of all charter buses for rent are for young adult passengers, so you’ll be in good hands with whatever company you choose.

You can still keep the limousine ride for yourself, but give your guests a bit of luxury with a complimentary bus service. They’re safe, easy, and enjoyable. Motorcoaches make over 750 million passenger trips every year. Why not make your wedding one of them?

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