Do it Yourself Auto Paint Job Tips

Having your car repainted can be one of the most expensive things you have ever done for your car. Do it yourself auto paint jobs however, can be a bit cheaper and a learning experience as well. Do not go into do it yourself auto repair, or doing your own paint job, with the thought that it is going to be a simple job to do. Auto repair, just like any other job, takes time to learn; however, once you have learned it you will know it for a lifetime.
There are quite a few manuals out there to tell you how to fix a car, a do it yourself auto paint job is not the same thing however. Below we will go into some tips on how you can have your own do it yourself auto shop for your paint job and do it all yourself as well.
Before starting to paint your car you need to make sure that you have the perfect place to paint it in. You do not want to paint it in the middle of the yard but you do want a place with plenty of ventilation so that paint fumes will not harm you. You will also need a few do it yourself auto parts to get started on your do it yourself auto paint job.
Make sure that your car is clean, sanded, and ready to go before you start trying to paint it. You do not want the car to be dirty or have bumps and dirt that will become trapped under the paint and make for a nasty finish when you are finished with your do it yourself auto paint job.
Once your car is prepped and wiped it is time to start painting. Make sure that you cover everything in the room that you do not want to get paint on it with a tarp before you start spraying the paint. Start at the roof of the car and work your way down for an even paint job that everyone will admire when you are finished.
After your paint job dries move the car out into the sun and inspect it for any spots that were not painted or runs in the job. These can be taken out with more sanding; afterwards your car should look brand new and ready to take out on the town. Do it yourself auto paint job is complete and you did it all on your own.