Should You Add An EV Station To Your Complex?

There is no denying that electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles are here to stay. They are becoming more and more popular, and it is no surprise. On average the cost of using an EV station to charge an electric vehicle works out to approximately paying $1 for a gallon of gas for a traditional vehicle.

Of course finding a charging station can be difficult in certain geographical areas. A lot of people that are driving electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles (part gas and part electric) are making lodging decisions based on the availability of a charging station nearby.

You Can Be a Hub

Smart business owners are adding EV stations to their complex to attract consumers that already own these environmentally-friendly vehicles, and for the consumers that are going to own them in the future. Soon consumers will expect that charging your electric car at a hotel, is simply part of the amenities.

Consider this, if you are an electric car owner, charging your electric car at a resort is an important feature that could sway your booking decisions. Getting ahead of the competition for your complex can be as simple as adding an EV station to service your guests.

EV Charging Stations for Apartments, Resorts, And Other Venues

Providing residents, guests, and visitors to your apartment complex, resort, hotel, or venue is an added perk that will be greatly appreciated. Any complex where people gather is a great place to install an EV charging station.

Not only does installing an EV station improve satisfaction it also can generate revenue for your facility. Unlike traditional fueling stations, you do not have to deal with tank installations and inspections, licensing, and more.

Installing an EV station is a simple process that delivers a great ROI across the board. You can increase customer loyalty, improve your brand’s image, and increase revenue. This can be the option that makes your complex a standout option for those consumers that are worried about the environment and own an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Learn more today about EV stations, how to get one installed on your property, and how it can draw consumers to your complex. The future is now. Your complex can get in on the cutting-edge technology that will put your property ahead of the competition.

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