The Whats, Whys, and Hows Of Alloy Wheel Repair

If you are looking to get local wheel repair, watch this video to understand the process of repairing alloy wheels with specific tools.
The product in the video is used to repair any scratches or scuffs in most alloy wheels. In this alloy wheel filler kit, there are a few different components included.
It includes four packs of the wheel filler, a pack of hardener, an applicator, and a detailed instruction manual. When using the kit, you want to make sure you are using protective gloves. You’ll also need sandpaper, a sanding block, a clean sheet to mix on, and a a wiping towel.
To start the process, wearing your gloves, you’ll want to roughen the bare metal surface 25 millimeters around the damaged area. To do this you want to use the medium grit sandpaper until the area is clean, dry, and free of any loose paint or other materials. Next, you’ll want to squeeze out the alloy filler and the hardener onto a clean surface. Then you will thoroughly mix these two together using the applicator provided in the kit. Making sure it is mixed properly will ensure the best results.
You must then apply this mixture to the damaged area within minutes of mixing it. This filler should be applied in one layer until the final surface is slightly domed over the repair. After waiting 30 minutes for drying, you can sand down the excess filler. This should be done carefully.
If you have any further questions about alloy wheel repair, contact your local wheel repair expert.