Tips for Loading a Vehicle onto a Flatbed Tow Truck

The video discusses the proper methods to use when loading a vehicle onto a flatbed tow truck for a towing service. The first thing to remember is that the front of the vehicle should be eight feet away from the truck’s rear. This will give the person enough room to maneuver the vehicle onto the truck.
The next step is to use the control on the tow truck to move the bed back approximately four feet and then tilt downward on it simultaneously. This movement places the bed at an angle to the car that will make lifting it much easier.
After the bed is in place, the person can feel confident enough to loosen the cable and lay it down in front of the car. After that, the individual should check the vehicle to ensure that it’s in park before getting under it to connect the cable.
There should be spots behind the front tires to connect the cables. That’s what the person should do next on one side and then the other. Next, the person can start winching the vehicle just a little bit. After the winch is locked in, it’s safe to then put the vehicle in neutral. The next step is to pull the vehicle all the way up and then secure it for the tow.