Choosing the color of your car can be a statement, a grandiose piece of art, an extension of you; an intimate part of your life like choosing which color to paint the walls of your home. There is a lot of options to choose from. Though, admittedly surprising, white has come out on top as the number one color chosen in North America. Nancy Lockhart, a color marketing specialist, has noted this choice of color has been number one since 2006.
Direct Line conducted a survey and came to the conclusion, according to the data, that 52% of all car damage reported is from the act of keying or scratched paint from various accidents both minor and major. In the case of keying, this spiteful act, if scratched deeply, can land you a repair bill between $300 to $3,000. Furthermore, insurance companies associated with home and vehicle, have linked claims of damage from hail and wind storms summing up 40% of losses for the past five years. It pays to cover your car or park it in a garage you might own, especially in areas that experience hail and wind storms more often.
Speaking of scratches on your paint, there is an actual scale on which auto body specialists determine the severity of the damage done. Scratches are classified as such: 1A, the least severe, onto 1B, 2, 3, and finally, 4 being the most severe. Touch up paint might not be enough to cover the more severe of paint scratches.
Before going out and buying that touch up paint kit you were eyeing, you should know that it is not enough to spitball the color and buy the closest match. For example, there is Nissan touch up paint, Mazda touch up paint, Toyota touch up paint, Mercedes touch up paint, and so on and so forth. For the best match, lets say you need Nissan touch up paint, there is a specific color associated with the car you own. Colors come in varying shades, both dark and light, which means choosing a color that is just a shade lighter or darker will make it stand out or at least make it noticeably at a second glance. Nissan, for example, would have that information on hand.