How to Save Your Company Time and Money With GPS, Oil, and Gas

There are three ways a company could save time and money with little effort. What could make such a difference? GPS oil and gas usage are three areas in which companies often don’t give much attention. However, when neglected these areas are signs of inefficiency, wasted money, and inconsistency.
Three Ways to Save Your Company Time and Money With GPS oil and gas.
Keeping an eye on the company’s usage of GPS oil and gas is the way to greater prosperity.
Wasted Fuel Is a Sign of Inefficiency.
An idling car isn’t unusual to find. A few minutes of idling spread out throughout a day does add up over time. A car that idles for a cumulative two hours a day would squander about $780 per year and per truck, if fuel averaged about $0.80 per liter.
That’s a lot of emissions in the environment. Yet it is not just bad for the environment. Unnecessary or excessive idling can be bad for a company’s bottom line in a different way. About 40 states actually have laws against lengthy idling. Fines can range in price from between $50 to $2,500 for each incident.
Wasted Time Is Wasted Money.
Speeding is not uncommon, and trucks are no exception. However, going above the speed limit can actually be bad for the company’s bottom line in an unlikely way: crashes. Speeding is associated with a higher risk of car crashes. One way a driver could decrease their risk of crashing is to limit their traveling speed. Some studies show that a decrease in speed limit of just 1 km results in a 2 to 3% lower risk of being involved in an accident. Which brings us to our third point.
Maintenance Needs to Be Consistent.
Any piece of heavy machinery needs regular maintenance, and fleet management requires careful a record keeping system. Going back to unnecessary idling reveals that doing so isn’t just a waste of fuel and therefore money. Idling excessively can actually cause damage to the engine over time. The estimates for maintenance costs accrued from idling differ from vehicle type to type. A diesel engine with an aspirated engine might accrue $2.00 a day, while a gasoline engine might accrue $2.30 on average.
Excessive idling certainly results in a variety of problems. Doing so wastes fuel, wastes time, and creates a need for more maintenance to be performed. It should be a priority to reduce idling time in any fleet vehicle.