Most Important Tips for Truck Maintenance

The video provides some solid advice for truck repair service and checking the vehicle for maintenance needs. One point the speaker drives home is to check the tires at all times to ensure that they’re inflated and don’t show any signs of excessive wear or abnormality. Checking the inflation is vital for trucks because of the weight of the vehicle.
One tire could heat much faster than the others if it’s deflated, and the driver could suffer an unexpected blowout.
Scheduling regular tire alignment and balancing maintenance is another important task. Keeping the tires properly aligned and balanced prevents vibration in the steering wheel. It also keeps the tires from having uneven wear on them.
The driver should also take the truck to a shop to have the engine oil changed regularly. Oil is the life of any vehicle, and it protects it from premature wear on the engine parts. Many truck drivers are switching to synthetic oil these days because of its many benefits. Synthetic oil lasts longer and can withstand a higher level of heat than regular oil can.
Many more helpful tips are available in the video to help truck drivers take better care of their machines.