Remember These RV Maintenance Myths

When you have an RV, it is incredibly important to keep up with repairs and other necessary maintenance. However, there are some myths floating around about RV maintenance. Let’s take a look at a few and squash these myths with the help of an RV tech.
Myth number one is that you should put talcum powder on your RV slideout seals. SLideout seals do not need any sort of lubrication.
They need a preservative such as a slide seal conditioner with a UV protector. Talcum powder will dry out your seals and can cause cracks and other damage.
The next myth when it comes to RV repair is that bug screens will attract bugs. Bugs will get into your furnace and build nests. A bug screen will keep the bugs outside, which makes for much easier and cheaper cleaning, with no need for repairs.
Myth number three is that you can overgrease your wheel bearings and blow out the grease seal. You should completely fill the wheel hub with grease. It is not possible to put too much grease.
If you’re in need of RV repair, reach out to professionals for help. View the video linked to hear a fourth myth about RV maintenance. Be safe and always know what you’re doing when it comes to RV care.