3 Lifts to Consider Purchasing for Your Shop

While many modern automobiles remain safe, these vehicles can often need to be recalled. In fact, statistics show that over 390 million automobiles have been recalled throughout the United States since 1996. Many of these customers will visit a local auto body shop in order to have their recalled vehicles repaired. Considering that, it’s important to ensure that you’re utilizing the right kind of equipment. Many auto body workers utilize lifts in order to properly work on a wide range of automobiles. In this post, you’ll learn about popular types of lifts to have in your auto body shop.
Portable Car Lifts
Many mechanics utilize the power of portable lifts. These lifts work well for those needing to get underneath a vehicle. One of the most popular portable lifts is the QuickJack BL 5000SLX. This lift is able to safely lift 5,000 pounds. If you require more power, you can consider utilizing the BL 7000SLX. Both the QuickJack BL 5000SLX and 7000SLX contain an extremely low profile and are great for working in confined spaces.
2 and 4 Post Lifts
You’ll often work with either two or four post lifts. Two post lifts allow mechanics to work with a single automobile. These posts provide a secure hold for vehicles of varying weights. The Bendpak XPR 10AS LP is a popular type of two post lift. In certain situations, vehicles will need to be stored for long periods of time. If you’re needing long term vehicle storage solutions, consider utilizing a Bendpak 4 post lift.
Lifts for Motorcycles
Statistics show that the average repair costs for an automobile are $356.04. That being said, not all mechanics work solely on automobiles. In many cases, auto body workers need to utilize motorcycle lifts. Bendpak and Ranger are two notable creators of these devices. Ranger motorcycle lifts are often used in a wide variety of shops across the United States.
In closing, there are several types of lifts mechanics often use. Regardless of the lift type you’re using, always remember to follow proper safety protocols. Statistics show that work and power tools send nearly 400,000 people to the emergency room annually. Considering that, you’ll want to make sure that you follow the safety instructions for every lift you’re using.
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