4 Ways to Keep Floor Jacks in Great Condition

Many automobile repair locations realize that this industry is quite profitable. Statistics from 2017 found that automobile parts retailers were able to generate nearly $100 billion in annual revenue. That being said, you’ll need the right equipment in order to provide customers with quality repair work. One of the most important pieces of equipment to have in your shop are floor jacks. With that in mind, it’s imperative that you keep these devices in the best condition possible. Considering that, here are four simple ways to keep your floor jacks in optimal condition.
- Cleaning Floor Jacks
Every shop owner knows how easy it is for dirt to accumulate in working areas. Considering that, you’ll want to ensure that all areas in your garage remain thoroughly cleaned. This includes keeping floor jacks cleaned properly. Fortunately, you’ll find that it’s quite simple to keep these devices clean. Simply wipe them down with a cloth after each use. Jacks that are used frequently will likely require a deep cleaning every six months to one year. - Regularly Inspecting These Devices
While cleaning your floor jacks, check for any signs that these devices are damaged. These signs include cracks, missing parts, and leaking. If you notice extensive damage, it’s time to order replacement floor jack handles. Floor jack handle replacement is simple providing you order the right parts. After all, you wouldn’t want to order a QuickJack 7000 handle when you need parts for a Ranger motorcycle lift. You can avoid this problem by finding replacement floor jack handles through reliable tool distributors. - Ensuring Jacks Remain Lubricated
Statistics show that work and power tools send an estimated 400,000 people to the emergency room each year. With that in mind, improperly lubricated floor jacks could cause dangerous situations for your employees. Over time, you’ll need to apply lubrication to floor jacks. It’s generally best to ensure that you use grease instead of oils while lubricating floor jacks. Oils are generally thinner than grease. This makes grease more effective for keep floor jacks lubricated without worrying about oil dripping everywhere. - Replacing Hydraulic Oil
It’s also important to ensure that floor jack hydraulic oil is switched out every few years. This oil helps to ensure that the jack operates properly. You’ll want to take note of the optimal hydraulic oil level for your floor jacks. Take note to not under or overfill your floor jacks with hydraulic oil. Improper hydraulic oil levels often cause floor jacks to perform improperly.
In closing, there are several ways to ensure floors jacks remain in optimal condition. One study found that average costs for automobile repair work in the United States is $356.04. However, it can be nearly impossible for your shop to receive customers without properly working equipment. In the event that you need to order new replacement floor jack handles or other garage parts, ensure you’re working with a reputable supplier. This helps to ensure that your shop receives quality parts, enable workers to tackle a wide range of automobile repair jobs.