Changing the Oil in a Hydraulic Bottle Jack

This video is to inform viewers on hydraulic service and how they can change the oil in a hydraulic bottle jack. Your car is very important to you if you own one. You probably use it on a daily basis and need it for important things like transporting you to work or school or helping other get to where they need to go.
When using a car on a daily basis it is easy for there to be wear and tear. Taking your car to a mechanic is important because they can troubleshoot and figure out what is going on with your car when problems arise. In order for a mechanic’s job to be easier when working on your car, the car must be lifted so they can get a better look at what is going on.
If you are a mechanic you might want to learn about hydraulic service in order to do your job better when working on cars. Having a hydraulic bottle jack is what helps the car lift up off of the ground. In order to keep this working at all times, you need to be able to change the oil.