If you notice that your car keeps pulling to one side when driving, get it checked by a mechanic. Chances are that it needs a wheel alignment. The attached video shows how to tell if your car needs an alignment.
Wheels aren’t aligned in a perfectly parallel way. Instead, the front wheels are very slightly adjusted toward or away from each other.
A car that has even tires doesn’t need to be aligned. A tire that needs alignment has scalloped wear on the inside or outside. If your car keeps pulling to one side, or the steering wheel is vibrating, or the tires are squealing, take your car for wheel alignment.
When you take your car for alignment, ensure the garage has the proper equipment to do it. Laser-guided alignment systems are highly reliable and accurate. Also, if the rear wheels aren’t aligned, it’ll affect the front wheels. If you’ve hit a pothole hard, have the back wheels inspected. Also, if you get into a fender bender, always get the alignment checked on all four wheels.
Keep an eye on your wheels and always take your car to a professional mechanic for wheel alignment. Alignment isn’t a DIY job and
a professional will ensure efficiency.