How Long Does it Take an Auto Body Shop Repair a Vehicle?

Whenever you have to take your car into an auto body shop, it can seem like a huge waiting game. Although you want them to fix it perfectly, you also want to get your car back to you as soon as possible. Trust us, we’ve all been there, and not having your car can be a huge convenience.
The Estimate
Before you first hear about the timeline, the auto body shop will have to get your car in, take a look into it, make sure that you agree on the price, and then they will be able to give you more information on the timeline for how long it will take your car to be repaired.
The Timeline

You should make a note to yourself that not every auto body shop will operate the same, some will have more or fewer employees, some will have more or fewer cars to repair, and some just handle their business differently. But in most cases what you will expect to see is the timeline will be about how many hours the repair will take and how much labor they will need.
Although it is never a perfect answer, reading online reviews for auto body shops can be a great way to also learn about a companies timeline for repairs with their previous clients.