Quick and Easy At Home Oil Change

An oil change is one of the most critical factors in ensuring your car runs smoothly and efficiently. Oil does more than lubricate your engine parts, as the clip “How to Change your Oil in less than 5 min” explains. It also helps clean away dirt and debris that can get past your engine’s filtration system.

The first step in changing your oil is to get your supplies together.

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When you do not change your oil regularly, the build-up of dirt can lead to significant damage and repairs. With the right supplies and instructions, you can easily change your oil at home in less than five minutes. You will need a few standard tools like a funnel and paper towels for an oil change process.

During an oil change, park your car on level ground and turn off the engine. Get an oil pan ready to catch the oil as it drains out of your engine.

After the oil drains, start filling your new undercarriage with fresh oil. Be sure to pour it slowly so as not to get too much in one spot and spill it. After filling it up, use a paper towel or something similar to wipe off any excess from around the filter base.

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