Category: Home
What Goes Into a Proper Wheel Repair

The video discusses the step-by-step process of repairing rims that accidents and incidents have curved. The first step in the wheel repair process is removing it from the vehicle before getting started. The mechanic then puts the wheel on a machine to ensure that it is bound andRead More
Most Important Tips for Truck Maintenance

The video provides some solid advice for truck repair service and checking the vehicle for maintenance needs. One point the speaker drives home is to check the tires at all times to ensure that they’re inflated and don’t show any signs of excessive wear or abnormalityRead More
What Forklift Parts Need Replacing Most Often?

The video provides some details about forklift repair and which parts of the forklift need the most service. Keeping an eye on all those parts is a great way to ensure that all workers are safe, and the forklift’s performance is efficient. The power steering parts and rubbeRead More
Tips for Loading a Vehicle onto a Flatbed Tow Truck

The video discusses the proper methods to use when loading a vehicle onto a flatbed tow truck for a towing service. The first thing to remember is that the front of the vehicle should be eight feet away from the truck’s rear. This will give the person enough room to maneuveRead More
How to Start a Jeep Repair Business

According to statistics, research shows that there are about 1.3 billion cars in the whole world. It, therefore, means that the rate at which people are buying cars is high. Purchasing more cars will lead to an increased demand for car repairs. The Jeep Cherokee is one of the famRead More
Understanding Auto Body Repair

Are you interested in auto body maintenance? You will need to know how to repair damage to the body of a vehicle, especially as caused by a motor vehicle accident. Accidents don’t just cause scratches and minor dents, they can also completely warp the metal of the body. UndRead More
Auto Body and Car Painting Step-by-Step Tutorial

Many people enjoy building and restoring vehicles as a hobby and others simply like having their vehicle look as nice as possible. When your vehicle needs some TLC with a paint job touch up you need to make sure you get the best auto body paint job possible. If you have the skillRead More
Consider a Career in the Automobile Services Industry

An automobile service advisor is just one of the automobile services available today. These workers are the communication between the customer and the people in the service center. They listen to why the customer has come in and lets the service personnel know how to handle theirRead More